Sunday, February 3, 2013

Common Sandpiper


Animal You | Common Sandpiper | It is gray-brown back and white belly short dark yellowish legs and feet, and an invoice with clear and dark spot. Young people are strongly against and polish edges excluded to the feathers of the wings. This species is very similar to the slightly larger plumage Spotted Sandpiper (A. macularia) in nonbreeding. It's a friendly bird and is seen in large flocks, and has the characteristic rigid wings fly low over the water, wade Actitis. The Sandpiper breeds in most temperate and subtropical regions of Europe and Asia, and migrates to Africa, South Asia and Australia in winter. The eastern edge of their migration from Palau in Micronesia, where you can collect hundreds of birds for a stopover.

The view Sandpiper foraging on land or in shallow water, picking small food such as insects, crustaceans and other invertebrates, but they can also catch insects in flight. In the language of Nukumanu Nukumanu Islands (Papua New Guinea), this species is generally considered tiritavoi. The reason for this is that matakakoni means" bird walk around ", and then in pairs" in relation to the movements of the head and tail pumps Actitis urge species typically performed during the collection. 

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