Friday, February 1, 2013

Giant Panda


Animal You | Giant Panda | The giant panda has a black-and-white coat. Adult average weight 100-115 kg (220-250 lb). The giant panda has a body shape typical of bears. Giant pandas thick wool stays warm in the cool forests of its habitat. Giant panda paw has a "thumb" and five fingers, "thumb" - actually a modified sesamoid bone - which helps to keep eating bamboo. The giant panda's tail, measuring 10-15 cm (4-6 inches), is the second longest in the bear family. The giant panda lives in general about 20 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity. Giant pandas are generally solitary, and each adult has a defined territory, and a woman is not tolerant of other females in their range. Pandas communicate through vocalization and scent marking and scratching trees or spraying urine. Pandas rely primarily on spatial memory rather than visual memory. Social encounters occur primarily during the breeding season in which pandas in proximity to one another meet. After mating, the male leaves the female alone to raise the cub.

The giant panda has the digestive system of a carnivore and carnivore-specific genes, so derives little energy and little protein from consumption of bamboo. The giant panda is a "highly specialized" animal "unique adaptations", and has lived in bamboo forests for millions of years. The giant panda consumes very average 9-14 kg (20-30 pounds) of bamboo shoots a day. The limited energy input that your diet has affected the panda's behavior. The giant panda tends to limit its social interactions and avoids steeply sloping terrain in order to reduce energy expenditure. Panda researcher Russell Ciochon observed that the vegetarian gorilla, the low body surface area per volume of the body of the giant panda] indicates a lower metabolism. This lower metabolic rate and a more sedentary lifestyle, living giants nutrient poor resources such as bamboo all against The giant panda is the result of powerful jaw muscles, the upper part of the head attached to the jaw.

Panda eats one of the 25 bamboo species in the wild, such as Fargesia dracocephala and Fargesia rufa. Only a few bamboo species are common at altitudes pandas now inhabit. In view of this diet large, the giant panda feces up to 40 times per day Because of the synchronous flowering death and regeneration of all bamboo within a species, the giant panda has at least two different species available in its range to avoid starvation. While primarily herbivorous, the giant panda still retains decidedly ursine teeth, and eating meat, fish and eggs, if available. In captivity, zoos typically maintain the giant panda bamboo diet, though some are specially formulated biscuits or other dietary supplements. The giant panda is an endangered species, threatened by continued habitat loss and by a very low birthrate, both in the wild and in captivity. The giant panda has been a target for poaching by people since ancient times and by foreigners since it was introduced in the West. In the early 1930s, foreigners were unable to giant pandas in China because of the Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese poaching Civil War, but pandas remained a source of soft furs for the locals. The population boom in China after 1949 created stress panda habitat 'and subsequent famines led to the increased hunting of wildlife, including pandas. During the Cultural Revolution, all studies and conservation activities on the pandas were stopped.

Many thought that the best way to save the pandas to their cage. As a result, pandas were caged at any sign of decline, and suffered from terrible conditions. Because of pollution and destruction of their natural habitat, with segregation caging, reproduction of wild pandas was severely limited. In 2006, scientists reported that the number of pandas living in the wild may have been underestimated at about 1,000. Previous studies of the population had used conventional methods to reduce the size of the estimated wild panda population, but using a new method that analyzes DNA from panda droppings, scientists believe that the wild population may be as large as 3000. In 2006, there were 40 panda reserves in China, compared to just 13 reserves two decades ago. The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, located in the southwestern province of Sichuan and seven natural reserves, were inscribed in the World Heritage List in 2006. Not all conservationists agree that the money spent on panda conservation is well spent. Packham argues that the money spent on pandas would be better spent elsewhere, and said he would "dinner last panda if I could have all the money we have spent on panda conservation put on the table for me more sensitive to things, but he apologized the interruption of people who love panda states

This program, under the National Wolong Nature Reserve, allows volunteers to work closely with pandas in captivity, and help them adjust to life in the wild, so that race and live longer, healthier lives. Initially, the primary method of breeding giant pandas in captivity was by artificial insemination, as it seemed to lose their interest in pairs, since they were captured. This has led some scientists to extreme methods, as shown in the videos of giant pandas mating and giving the test male Viagra. Only recently have researchers started having success in breeding programs, and have established breeding giant pandas are similar to some populations of American black bear, a thriving bear family. Giant pandas are sexually mature when they reach the age of four and eight, and may be reproductive until age 20. The mother chooses the stronger of the cubs, and the weakest die. Giant panda cubs weigh 45 kg (100 pounds) a year, and live with their mother until they are 18 months to two years.

Panda Semen, who have decades of frozen can be shared between different zoos to save the species. Attempts have been made to reproduce the panda of interspecific pregnancy by implanting embryos panda cloned into the uterus of an animal of another species. This has resulted in panda fetuses, but no live births.
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